Pilgrim Album

Pilgrim Album

OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

^OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

Click on image to view our website

Click on image to open our band website in new window

My name is Kayvon Nabijou (0610). My production group number is 1 and I am working with Gavin Fraser (0245), Mahalia John (0345) and Alice Cahill (0130). This blog can be navigated by using the labels list on the right hand side of the blog.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Personal Acheivement

What do you personally want to get out of the whole A2 prelim experience?

I found the initial prospect of acting in a music video very daunting as I've never done any real acting before and I'm not used to moving my body so much. I feel that I want to gain a greater level of confidence when acting in this shoot. I also want to get a better feel of the logistics of a professional music video shoot for our real A2 coursework task. From a technical point of view, I would also like to be involved in shadowing the technical crew.

Is it a challenge for you or within your comfort zone?

I will find this a big challenge as I haven't got any acting experience, so this is out of my comfort zone. However, I am comfortable with playing a guitar so I won't be uncomfortably holding it, making it easier for me to focus on my performance.

Have you achieved/learnt anything so far?

I've learnt a lot about how to use my body more effectively and dynamically from a performing point of view. This encompasses body movement, facial expression and the importance of exaggerating ones mouth movement when creating a music video to make it more believable that I am actually singing the words. When editing our audition videos, we used several layers - one for each separate shot which we could drag onto the timeline in the appropriate position, whereas we are used to only using two or possibly three layers when editing.

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