Pilgrim Album

Pilgrim Album

OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

^OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

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Click on image to open our band website in new window

My name is Kayvon Nabijou (0610). My production group number is 1 and I am working with Gavin Fraser (0245), Mahalia John (0345) and Alice Cahill (0130). This blog can be navigated by using the labels list on the right hand side of the blog.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Music Video: Second Cut

Our second cut was changed by us looking very carefully through the video and deciding on what shots we wanted to remove, insert, extend or shorten. Gavin and Mahalia wrote up a list of adjustments to make and we worked through the video to change these, mostly done by me and Gavin.

list of changes from 1st to 2nd cut
We decided that the whole end section from 2:20 to the end was too slow paced, and so wanted to increase the pace of editing in this section to give the impression of a climax. There were also a few clips we weren't sure we wanted to keep in, such as the 3D glasses CU's of Gavin and Alice.

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