Pilgrim Album

Pilgrim Album

OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

^OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

Click on image to view our website

Click on image to open our band website in new window

My name is Kayvon Nabijou (0610). My production group number is 1 and I am working with Gavin Fraser (0245), Mahalia John (0345) and Alice Cahill (0130). This blog can be navigated by using the labels list on the right hand side of the blog.

Monday 6 October 2014

Meetings (week beginning 29th Sept)

Our meetings this week took place at Tuesday lunch and Thursday lunch + period 6. We created an agenda to make sure we set out our targets for the week and stick to them. 

Of the four of band, label, track and audience, band was the only aspect we hadn't properly addressed in the previous week, so we decided to created the personalities of each band member that we would want to represent. I think this was quite effective in establishing other creative decisions for our actual video as well as styling our band properly, especially in reference to costume.

As mentioned above, after creating the personalities of our band members, we were able to make decisions on costumes. We already had quite a clear idea of what costumes we wanted, and these were stereotypical indie-rock/alternative band costumes, such as buttoned-up shirts, skinny jeans, perhaps loose-fitting jumpers.

We started to think more specifically about the different set-ups we would use in relation to how the set would look. This gave us more structure when talking about specific shots as we could section them into the above 3 main areas.

At the end of the day on Wednesday, we realised that we needed some sort of progression through our music video, otherwise it would appear boring and 'samey', meaning the audience would lose interest. We created a list of ways we could progress our video - as we have chosen to not have a narrative, this progression is going to be purely visual.

We decided we would go through the song's lyrics and analyse them, drawing themes from the song which we wrote down. We would then use these themes to aid us when making creative decisions on specifics as well as wider decisions such as the overall style of the video.

Whilst I think we got a lot done this week, I feel we could have been more productive in delegating tasks and approaching different tasks in a more structured way, despite having an agenda.

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