Pilgrim Album

Pilgrim Album

OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

^OUR DIGIPAK top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover.

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Click on image to open our band website in new window

My name is Kayvon Nabijou (0610). My production group number is 1 and I am working with Gavin Fraser (0245), Mahalia John (0345) and Alice Cahill (0130). This blog can be navigated by using the labels list on the right hand side of the blog.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Sweded Films

A sweded film is a shortened, low-budget summary of a popular blockbuster film, filmed using a camcorder. They have no special effects and often homemade props and costumes are used, relying on the audience's imagination to recreate the scene.

The site Swededfilms.com, which serves as a database for sweded movies, was registered on the 23rd February, the day after the film 'Be Kind, Rewind' premiered - the film from which sweded films originates. On February 24th, the sweded film blog 'Sweded Cinema' was launched and included rules for creating sweded films:

1. Must be based on an already produced film
2. Range 2-8 minutes in length
3. Must not contain computer generated graphics
4. Based on films less than 35 years old
5. Special effects must be limited to camera tricks and arts ’n crafts
6. Sound effects created by human means
7. Hilarious

Examples of sweded films

For our own sweded film, I thought Shrek could be a good idea to swede as it has a lot of comedy potential due to the non-human characters and their voices, as well as the fact that it is a well known film and so the audience will recognise possibly quite obscurely reproduced scenes.

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